Eye Test
All eye tests in our Derby stores make use of the latest technology and equipment
How do I know I need a sight test?
Regular eye tests are important not just for checking your vision but for checking your overall eye health, even if you feel your eyesight is perfect. However, you should make an appointment if you experience: blurry vision at any distance, headaches, difficulty reading or viewing screens, double vision, poor night vision, mobility issues such as tripping over or bumping into objects, or any other changes in your vision.
Regular check ups
We recommend that every adult and child has an eye test with a skilled optometrist every 1-2 years, regardless of whether you are experiencing any issues or not. Some eye health issues may not present with symptoms until later stages, and the earlier an issue is detected, the more likely we are to be able to preserve or restore your eye health and vision.

Your eye health
If you have problems with your vision or your eye health, it’s advisable to attend more frequent eye tests. It’s also advisable to attend more frequent eye tests if you have any health problems which may affect your eyes such as diabetes, or if you have a family history of eye health issues or poor vision, especially glaucoma or macular degeneration.

What happens during an eye test?
An eye test will only take 20-30 minutes. The optometrist will first discuss your vision concerns and requirements, as well as your general health, any relevant family history and lifestyle. We will then assess your eye health and vision through reading charts at varying distances and different lens prescriptions to see how your eyes focus and work together. If you have existing glasses or contact lenses we will also discuss their current performance.

After your eye test
If your eye health or family history requires, we can arrange additional testing for specific health and vision conditions. This includes retinal imaging, special tests for glaucoma and binocular vision or even onward referral to an ophthalmologist. Once your consultation is complete, the optometrist will discuss your results and provide a recommendation and/or prescription based on your personal needs.